Query the Subscription of P-Series Hosting Package

Query the detailed information of the P-Series Hosting Package subscription.

Request URL

GET {base_url}/dm/open_api/v1/subscription

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
Authorization Yes String Pass the access token in the header.

Format: Bearer {access_token}.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
data Object <Details> The detailed information.
requestId String The unique ID of the request, which can be used to quickly locate the request.
status String Request result:
  • Success
  • Failed
time Long The response time.
Note: The YCM API response returns a timestamp, you can convert the timestamp to detailed date and time as needed. For more information, see Convert Timestamp to Local Date and Time.
Parameter Type Description
capacity Object <Capacity> The capacity of the P-Series Hosting Package.
expirationTime Long The expiration time of the P-Series Hosting Package.
Note: The YCM API response returns a timestamp, you can convert the timestamp to detailed date and time as needed. For more information, see Convert Timestamp to Local Date and Time.
recordingExpireDate Long The expiration time of Call Recording service.
highAvailability String The subscription status of High Availability service.
  • Enabled
  • Disabled
whiteLabel String The subscription status of White Label service.
  • Subscribed
Parameter Type Description
total Object <Total> Total capacity.
used Object <Used> Used capacity.
available Object <Available> Available capacity.
Parameter Type Description
extensionCapacity Long The total number of extensions.
concurrentCallCapacity Long The total number of concurrent calls.
recordingCapacity Long The total number of call recording minutes.
Parameter Type Description
extensionCapacity Long The number of used extensions.
concurrentCallCapacity Long The number of used concurrent calls.
recordingCapacity Long The number of used call recording minutes.
frozenExtensionCapacity Long The number of extensions that are frozen temporarily due to a pending payment.
assignedToResellerExtensionCapacity Long The number of extensions assigned to resellers.
assignedToResellerConcurrentCallCapacity Long The number of concurrent calls assigned to resellers.
assignedToResellerRecordingCapacity Long The number of call recording minutes assigned to resellers.
Parameter Type Description
extensionCapacity Long The number of available extensions.
concurrentCallCapacity Long The number of available concurrent calls.
recordingCapacity Long The number of available call recording minutes.


Request example

GET /dm/open_api/v1/subscription HTTP/1.1
Host: ycm.yeastar.com
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjdXN0b21Kd3RQYXlsb2FkSW5mbyI6eyJncmFudFR5cGUiOiJjbGllbnRfY3JlZGVudGlhbHMiLCJ5c0lkIjoxNzg5NjM2MDM5MDg1MDI1NzM0OSwidmVyc2lvbiI6MTYzODk1OTkwOSwicmVmcmVzaFZlcnNpb24iOjE2NjM1NTkwMDZ9LCJzY29wZSI6WyJhbGwiXSwiZXhwIjoxNjYzNTYwODA2LCJhdXRob3JpdGllcyI6WyJST0xFX0NMSUVOVCJdLCJqdGkiOiI2N2FmZDY4OS01N2M4LTQ3ZjAtYjg5OS04MmJjNjMzZjZhNmQiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJrcDl5eW50bXVlc3VrNWpvV3ZNa1RiQ0J4cU82TEtSaCJ9.RkrDaoBpepDUY4FurjRsRZ8JvlwVbEdPguWgsHIjFuk
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "data": {
        "capacity": {
            "total": {
                "extensionCapacity": 50,
                "concurrentCallCapacity": 50,
                "recordingCapacity": 500
            "used": {
                "extensionCapacity": 30,
                "concurrentCallCapacity": 20,
                "recordingCapacity": 200,
                "frozenExtensionCapacity": 0,
                "assignedToResellerExtensionCapacity": 20,
                "assignedToResellerConcurrentCallCapacity": 10,
                "assignedToResellerRecordingCapacity": 150
            "available": {
                "extensionCapacity": 20,
                "concurrentCallCapacity": 30,
                "recordingCapacity": 300
    "expirationTime": 1734274802,
    "recordingExpireDate": 1748658872,
    "highAvailability": "Enabled",
    "whiteLabel": "Subscribed"
    "requestId": "6bde21ce407114f24e93436788bd79b3",
    "status": "Success",
    "time": 1666141827