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Upgrade Room Display Firmware

This topic describes how to manually upgrade Yeastar Room Display firmware.



  1. Download the latest firmware.

  2. Go to Yeastar Firmware Download Center to check the new firmware.

  3. Click APK beside the Room Display to download the latest firmware.

  4. Upgrade the firmware for Yeastar Visitor Screes.

    1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace management portal, go to Device Management > Device List.
    2. Select the desired Room Display(s) and click Upgrade.
    3. In the pop-up window, click Upload Upgrade File to upload the new firmware.
    4. When the file upload is completed, click Confirm to upgrade the room displays.


Wait for a few seconds, a result will be displayed on the web page.

Last update: December 9, 2022
Created: December 17, 2021

Author: Cody