Server Calculator

We provides a server calculator for you to calculate the required server configurations for the entire deployment of Yeastar P-Series Cloud PBX. The requirements of YCM Server, SBC Server, and SBC Proxy Server are fixed while that of the PBXHub server changes according to the capacity you specified. In future use, you need to keep monitoring the PBXHub Server, and expand the server capacity accordingly if you need more Cloud PBXs.

Specify the desired capacities in the following fields, then click "Calculate". The calculator will provide recommended values for the servers.

Note: The calculator provides server requirements of up to 100 P-Series Cloud PBXs. If you need to deploy more than 100 P-Series Cloud PBXs, contact Yeastar.



Numbers of P-Series Cloud PBX

Number of concurrent calls


After clicking the button, you can check the calculated results listed below.

Server Configuration Recommended:

YCM Server

Operating System Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server Edition - 64 bit Note: Please set the system language to English.
vCPU Intel brand, 4vCPU
Storage Number of Disk 1
System diskThe system disk is used to store the system data of YCM Server. 200GB
IOPS Minimum 150 MB/s read/write speed
LAN IP (Private IP) 1
WAN IP (Public IP) 1
Domain Name
  • The domain name is used to access the YCM Server.
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • ycm.example.comNote: Forward the domain name to the public IP address of the YCM Server.
    SSL Certificate
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • Purchase SSL certificate for the domain name.
  • ycm.example.comReference: Domain certificate requirement.
    Ethernet Port 1
    Supported VM platforms
  • Microsoft Hyper-v
  • VMware
  • KVM
  • SBC Server

    Operating System Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server Edition - 64 bit Note: Please set the system language to English.
    vCPU Intel brand, 4vCPU
    RAM 8GB
    Storage Number of Disk 1
    System diskThe system disk is used to store system data of SBC Server. 200GB
    IOPS Minimum 150 MB/s read/write speed
    LAN IP (Private IP) 1
    WAN IP (Public IP) 1
    Domain Name No need
    SSL Certificate No need
    Ethernet Port 1
    Supported VM platforms
  • Microsoft Hyper-v
  • VMware
  • KVM
  • SBC Proxy Server

    Operating System Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server Edition - 64 bit Note: Please set the system language to English.
    vCPU Intel brand, 4vCPU
    RAM 8GB
    Storage Number of Disk 1
    System diskThe system disk is used to store the system data of SBC Proxy Server. 200GB
    IOPS Minimum 150 MB/s read/write speed
    LAN IP (Private IP) 1
    WAN IP (Public IP) 1
    Domain Name
  • The DNS label to the right of the wildcard character (*) MUST be proxy1.
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • *
  • The domain name is related to the Cloud PBX domain name, if the Cloud PBX domain name is "*", then the SBC Proxy Server domain name should be "*".
  • Forward the wildcard domain name to the public IP address of the SBC Proxy Server.
  • SSL Certificate
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • Purchase SSL certificate for the domain name.
  • * Domain certificate requirement.
    Ethernet Port 1
    Supported VM platforms
  • Microsoft Hyper-v
  • VMware
  • KVM
  • PBXHub Server

    Operating System Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server Edition - 64 bit Note: Please set the system language to English.
    vCPU Intel brand, 4vCPU
    RAM 4GB
    Storage Number of Disk 3
    Disk 1 -- System diskThe system disk is used to store system data of PBXHub Server. 200GB
    Disk 2 -- PBX data diskThe PBX data disk is used to store the system data of all the Cloud PBXs in the PBXHub Server. 200GB
    Disk 3 -- Recording diskThe recording disk is used to store the recording data of all the Cloud PBXs in the PBXHub Server. 200GB
    IOPS Minimum 150 MB/s read/write speed
    LAN IP (Private IP) 1
    WAN IP (Public IP) /
    Domain Name
  • The domain name is the wildcard domain name of the Cloud PBX instances.
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • *.cloud.example.comNote: Forward the wildcard domain name to the public IP address of the SBC Server.
    SSL Certificate
  • Replace the red part with your own domain name.
  • Purchase SSL certificate for the domain name.
  • *.cloud.example.comReference: Domain certificate requirement.
    Ethernet Port 1
    Ethernet Requirement 1000 Mbit/s
    Supported VM platforms
  • Microsoft Hyper-v
  • VMware
  • KVM
  • Network Configuration Requirements:

    a. All the servers use single Ethernet port.

    b. For the YCM Server, SBC Server, and SBC Proxy Server, you should configure an NAT gateway to implement inbound and outbound internet connectivity. Make sure that the inbound and outbound IP addresses of a server are the same.

    c. For PBXHub server that only has private IP address, you should configure an NAT gateway for the server to only initiate one-way connection to the Internet, but not need to receive inbound connections initiated from the Internet.

    d. Make sure that the YCM Serer, SBC Server, SBC Proxy Server, and PBXHub Server can communicate with each other in both private network and the public Internet.

    e. Private IP address can NOT use