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Bulk Import Desks

This topic describes how to import desk resources in bulk to save time and effort.


  • Yeastar Workplace Plan: Standard Plan or Pro Plan

  • Default max import limit: 30


    If you want to import more than 30 desks, contact us to purchase extra desk licenses.


  1. Download the template file.

    1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace management portal, and go to Desk > Desk Management.

    2. In the top bar, click the Import/Export dropdown list and select Import.

    3. In the pop-up dialog box, click Download Template File.

  2. Edit the template file.

    1. Edit the template file according to the included instructions.
    2. Fill in the desk information according to the Desk Parameters.

    A valid import file looks like this:

  3. Import desks

    1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace management portal, and go to Desk > Desk Management.

    2. In the top bar, click the Import/Export dropdown list and select Import.

    3. Click Upload Excel to upload the edited template file.

    4. Click Import.


  • Import succeeded

    A pop-up dialog box says Data imported and all the imported desk resources are displayed on the page.

  • Import failed

    A pop-up dialog box says Data import failed. Click Download Logs to check the error cause and modify the file according to Desk Parameters.

Last update: February 3, 2023
Created: September 14, 2022