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Desk Parameters

Descriptions for parameters in exported and imported Desk XLSX file.

Parameter Importance Restriction
Desk Name Required

Minimum length: 1. Maximum length: 127.

All characters are allowed.

Building Optional

Permitted value: The building name that existed in the system.

All characters are allowed.

Note: To check or edit the building name, go to Company Settings > Building Management.

Floor Optional

Permitted value: The floor name that existed in the system.

All characters are allowed.

Note: To check or edit the floor name, go to Company Settings > Building Management.

Smart Device Optional

Permitted value: The name of devices that have been added to Yeastar Workplace.

Note: Support binding Occupancy Sensor only.

Desk Type Required

Permitted value: FLEXIBLE or ASSIGNED.

  • FLEXIBLE: A flexible desk that can be booked by any user who has booking permissions.
  • ASSIGNED: A dedicated desk for a specific user.
Desk User Optional

Permitted value: The user name that existed in the system.

If you entered Assigned in Desk Type, you can enter a user's name here to assign this desk to him/her.

Remark Optional

Minimum length: 1. Maximum length: 1024.

All characters are allowed.

Last update: October 17, 2022
Created: September 14, 2022