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Set Company Information

This topic describes how to upload a company logo and update the company information for your company.


This function is only available for Standard Plan and Pro Plan.

  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace management portal.

  2. Go to Company Settings > Company Information > Logo.

  3. Click Upload to upload your company logo files.

    • Upload a square PNG file as the first logo.
      This logo will appear on the invitation page (the page that will redirect to when a user clicks on the activation link in an invitation email).
      Recommended dimension: 80x80 px.
    • Upload a rectangle PNG file with transparent and reverse-white background color as the second logo.
      This logo will appear on the Yeastar Workplace web portal's top navigation bar, room display devices, and notification emails.
  4. Click Save.

Update your company information

  1. Log in to Yeastar Workplace management portal.
  2. Go to Company Setting > Company Information > Company Information.
  3. Enter the following fields:
  4. Click Save.


  • The company name will appear on the Yeastar Workplace web portal's top navigation bar, Room Displays, and notification emails.
  • Company ID is automatically generated by the system, and can not be changed.

Last update: May 17, 2023
Created: December 16, 2021

Author: cody