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Log in to Yeastar Workplace Web Portal

This topic describes how to log in to Yeastar Workplace web portal.


Make sure you have received a welcome email.


The login link is valid for 24 hours and can be used only ONCE. If the link expires, contact system administrator to resend an email.


  1. Access your mailbox and find the welcome email.
  2. Click the login link for Yeastar Workplace.
  3. In the redirected page, set your login password for Yeastar Workplace.
  4. Select your country or region.
  5. Read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and select the checkbox to agree to them.
  6. Click Register Account and Join the Company.

What to do next

Note down the domain name or IP address of Yeastar Workplace web portal, which is displayed in the address bar.

Enter the domain name or IP address on the web browser next time you want to access Yeastar Workplace web portal.

Last update: September 30, 2022
Created: September 30, 2022